
Human Resource Management

Part I: Recruitment and Selection 

Task 1:

The workforce planning purpose and the importance of HR Manager in Woodhill College for resourcing and planning of workforce

The process of acquiring, training, compensating, appraising employees is known as Human Resource Management. This helps to motivate the employees to achieve both the organizational and individual goals (Setyowati, 2016). The nature of HRM has different management roles like: planning, directing, organizing and controlling. It also helps to achieve the organizational, individual, and social goals and objectives.

The scope of HRAM refers to the activities that are done by the HRM and its professionals. Human Resource job analysis project, selection and recruitment, planning, development and training, induction and orientation, performance assessment, payment planning, compensation, developing business relations, motivation and health welfare, safety are the scopes of HRM. The best fit and best practice approaches differ in their meaning and aspects.

This model highlights on the arrangement and significance of working on the various techniques of human resource management. The different human resource policies must fulfill the operational and cultural features and conceptual procedures of the organization. The best-practice model refers to the fact that there are certain universal human resource strategies that are applicable in every kind of company and helps the companies to achieve competitive advantage as well as improvement of production outcome that enhances a strong connection between the applications and performance of a business organization(Orrick, 2008).

Human Resource Management can be declared as easy and rigid representations. The soft business tool centrally highlights on a strategic outlook of the individuals’ regulatory behavior and place commitment of the management, reliance and own-direction. But in another side the firm business tool puts on stress in strategic rationalized fits, and the places emphasizes on the management’s performance along the instrumental approach to the individuals of management.

Workforce planning is a method that is aligned to meet up the demands and priorities of the business along with the workers that ensures to meet organizational objectives, production, regulatory, service and legislative requirements. Large corporate and firms consists of two kinds of the labor-power market as independent primary and subordinate primary. The peripheral or small scale industries have the crafts and skilled bunch of employees and secondary classed recruits who are the poor working class.

The HRM department of Woodhill College emphasizes on the employment of new applicants where they have to face high workforce turnover. Their employment and selection planning including with receiving Curriculum Vitae following the step of interviews that a HR Manager decides. The applicants are taken interview in a panel of two-member from the educational department(Mead and Andrews, 2009).

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The Weaknesses and powers of different styles to employment and selection

The techniques of employment and selection are essential methods or forming the team control. Recruitment process begins with the needs of an organization for engaging some more employees in a department either the reason of the existing employees have gone or because the need for the fresh staff. The process continues until the appointments are done. Selection is a procedure of differentiating among the applicants to identify and pick up the individuals with requisite qualifications and competence to fill the allocations in the job field. The strengths of this procedures are quick decision making of the internal recruitment.

The procedures of selection and employment are external sourcing, internal sourcing, third-party sourcing, pre-selection or interview and lastly applicant selection. The internal recruitment reference saves the training cost. The internal recruits can build up a strong loyalty to the organization. However, the huge quantity of prospective applicants are reduced that stops the entry of innovative brains and new skills(Mead and Andrews, 2009). On the other hand, the external recruitment brings in new prospective fresher as well as efficient candidates though it is time-consuming and high costing process. Most of the weaknesses are noticed in this recruitment process. The behavioral approach of the newly employed candidates can create conflict situations, and that’s why existing employees faces some psychological and social issues.

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Task 2:

Job advertisement for the role of a Professor

There are some techniques that needs to be followed while giving any advertisement for teaching job. These techniques can make an article perfect. The form of advertisement is similar to the other forms of advertisements, where the job must be treated as a product, and the readers are the actual customer whom the product will be sold. The objective of the advertisement is to attract the reader by making the advertisement more interesting.

The positive sides of an organization should be mentioned, so that the job seeker will be benefited with all the job details. There are a few things which need to be cared before publishing the advertisement, like: the clarity and the color of the text. The advertisement can be more attractive if the layout and designs are well-planned and modern(Marie Ryan and Derous, 2016). The information in the advertisement should be brief and clear, and understandable to everyone. After seeing the advertisement the person will try to get in touch with the organization, here the recruitment team of that very organization need to be careful and should respond fast. During the communication with the person the recruitment team members should mention all the required details as well as the professional image of the organization.

Suitable platforms to place the advertisement

There are a lot of mediums to place an advertisement, like: Newspaper, Television, Radio, Magazines, and Social Media. But the mediums must be selected based on the types and audiences of an advertisement. Nowadays social networking sites are the best option to launch an advertisement, as it has a large number of audience. Today people are so busy that they don’t have enough time to watch television or listen to the radio. But they all have easy access to internet, and social media. So the advertisements published on the social media are the best reachable advertisements. There are a few social media sites are given below where an organization can launch their advertisement:

1. Twitter

Uses of Twitter: Everyone is connected on Twitter today. They have personal or professional account on Twitter.

Things should be shared on Twitter: At first the organization need to create an account on twitter. The company updates as well as the advertisement must be shared on that account. Thus the organization can communicate with the interest persons(Marie Ryan and Derous, 2016).

2. Facebook

Facebook is a platform where each and every one is connected with each other. It is user friendly. Though the twitter is used by the professional’s, Facebook is used by all types of people from professional and non-professional background. So this medium has more access. Facebook gives the option to the company for advertisement in paying method.

3. Google+

This is a business to business network. This site is more formal that the others. Google mainly used by professionals. Bloggers set Google authorship on this site to create Google+ profile. It is also very user-friendly if operated properly.

Advertisements published online have disadvantages as well. People who live in the rural area or do not have the access to the internet, will not be able to see the advertisements. Not only that but there are some sites which are not authenticated, here the organizations should take care of the security and authentication of the sites they are using, so that the users can reach the sites safely(Lussier and Hendon, 2013).

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Part II: Employee Performance, Development and Reward

Task 1:

The dissimilarity between development and training

The training and development are interweaved with all other, but these are the different process. Training is not a long term process. It is just a short-term process, but development is a long-term process, as it helps to grow professionalism, personality, and maturity. Training is limited for a specific job but development is like researching, and it is huge. It benefits to generate overall knowledge of the workplace which covers a huge area in the job. The development and training program is in fact to provide an idea for the excellent teaching to the scholars.

Influence of Customer’s expectancy on TESCO and the needs of Staff Teaching

The association should have a short-term knowledge of client’s expectation. Then only the organization would be talented to attain those opportunities. The value of the manufactured goods should be usual for selling. For providing greater service, the company needs an efficient and strong working team. TESCO needs to satisfy its customers through the effective communication system they have(Hauff, Alewell and Katrin Hansen, 2016). With the help of the training session, TESCO will be able to improvise their intellectual as well as communication skills of their employees.

Procedures of training managed by TESCO

There are various types of teaching methods that are employed by the organization of TESCO for example interview, group discussion, and oral communication. Each and every type of training method holds its individual significance. In the process of group debate, the trainer should converse with every participant of the assembly and get their reply. According to some researches, group debate is one of the well-known training techniques which is utised by TESCO to uplift the employee performance.

ID of training

The training requirements a speecific identification because without knowing in which subject or in which purpose the candidate is getting training(Hauff, Alewell and Katrin Hansen, 2016). The candidate should get the training in a particular subject. The training methods should be identified to their employees. It creates the training process understandable and easy for together the workforce and employers. If the training process helped the candidate to improve their performance, then the company will get the benefit in future once the candidate becomes a staff of the company.

The welfares for TESCO and its staffs of organized training program

This is one of the effective training ways that helps the business to serve quality results to the customers. It helps the candidates to understand the training process properly. The effectiveness of the staffs has improved in the organization field, as they can perform well in their own fields. Sometimes this process of training helps an applicant to achieve in various sectors by using their efficiency and knowledge. The qualified employees may be the chief strength of a company.

Returns on investment for the methods of training and various types of outlooks to flexibility accepted by TESCO

The process of training must be implemented properly when an institute invests a lot of money for training. If it goes the wrong way, then the entire investment will be wasted and company reputation might get affected. There are three types of category for a proper training process, like: Time Off, Flexible working arrangements, Career flexibility. All the three approaches are used by TESCO for training. If the training process was planned properly, then the organization never face any issues or lose the money they have invested for the training process(Hauff, Alewell and Katrin Hansen, 2016). This also helps to secure the organization’s reputation in the market.

PART III: Employment relationship

Task 1:

The welfares of various HRM practices in ITV

ITV tries to get attention of their experts in gathering and precious events with a particular chief goal to make them for thinking and the act of useful responding situations. The step by step upgrade is being given by Watercooler(Chauhan, 2012). The correspondence plans of the association are an essential perspective that helps them to evaluate the reasonability of the delegate execution.

Total wheeling and dealing implies the situation of securing the laborer understanding in the new workplace and changing with the present workforce. The examination from the picked delegates gives the review of the execution of the laborers. The prompt commitment and engagement with the individual laborers in like manner help an association to develop the central and consume reviews on their longings and solicitations from the association (Callaghan, 2005). ITV uses the outlook of total business, and professional meeting of the agents takes a suggestion to some one of the type of open stage of a specific result in dissecting the forceful development of an institution. The benefits of the HRM strategies in ITV according to the additional:

Helps for making and contracting workforce: The Management practices and the practical techniques of the human resource administration help to procure and prepare the effective and qualified hopefuls in the development of the organization and self-awareness. Preparing the dealing with the people and staffs is the part of the H.R administration that oversees, controls and coordinates the motivation behind each representative.

Arrangements with an execution management framework: The implementation of the staffs is measured by the standard execution, checks yield and inline appraisals from the line managers. It remains under the obligation of the H.R administration to motivate the representatives and exploration for their benefit with the aim that they can invest their penny percent to the association. Acknowledgment and sustenance of the abilities are as vital as the attention for the organization's wellbeing.

Helps in making society and estimates of the organization: The performance of the representatives is based on their talents, will and above all the atmosphere of the business association. The HRM improves to develop a morally considered environment that has values of leaving social structure to the organization (Chauhan, 2012). The protected and complete environment helps the descriptive to draw out their earnest efforts and would realize them with their professions.

Settle clashing surroundings: Their develop circumstances where the workers are not willing to allow to some steady issues, and that ready to clashes. It falls under the duty of the human property administration team to oversee and deal with a few answers for the arguments by going about as an advocate and go between in a successful technique. It is additionally significant for the group to arrange better arrangements and outlooks to maintain a strategic distance from clashes to materialize the most perfect way which is available.

Grows great connection inside the association and the business: The HRM hold the specialist to orchestrate better arranges and strategies for the representatives sort out gatherings and courses and other authority social affairs. In this manner, it is the duty of the human asset chief to keep up the friendly association with their workers and in addition the outside mechanical area. To keep up appropriate administration methodologies, the HRM needs to put accentuation on helping every bureau of the association.

The effectiveness of ITV’s strategies in building and improving employee relations and engagement

Keeping up agent association is as critical to lead the association in the technique for accomplishment and is a pre-fundamental of the accomplishment frameworks. Strong association with the laborers helps the association to finish high proficiency and work satisfaction. Evading the disputes and restricting from similar conditions redesigns the suitability of laborer execution. Safe working environment and convincing productive methods make the laborer's fan work(Billsberry, 2007).

Despite the strong and robustness of the relationship with the specialists, there are certain conditions that develop like delegate indiscipline, non-participation, and change in the direct of the agents that prompts to the insufficiency of the associations human resource organization techniques. The laborer grievances and stress moreover the factors that impact the smooth work procedure of the HRM and along these lines, remissness in taking after their parts and commitments are seen (Atkinson, 2007).

ITV's methods have helped the association to collect and improve the laborer relations and their practical engagement into the association's concerned issues. To try fundamentally all the more strengthening attempts for upgrading delegate relations, ITV must settle on the going with ways: Fair judgment and clean perspective sharing should create to guarantee the specialists enhance work satisfaction. Forceful capacity pursue and pay rates must be a part of the business change technique to improve liking with them(Billsberry, 2007).

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  • Billsberry, J. (2007). Experiencing recruitment and selection. 1st ed. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Chauhan, D. (2012). Functions of Human Resource Management and emerging changes in HRM. Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research,
  • Hauff, S., Alewell, D. and Katrin Hansen, N. (2016). HRM System Strength and HRM Target Achievement-Toward a Broader Understanding of HRM Processes. Human Resource Management.
  • Lussier, R. and Hendon, J. (2013). Human resource management. 1st ed. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
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